Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.
The Lehigh Valley Tea Party has not become one of the largest patriot groups in the nation because our members are frail or easily defeated. To the contrary, our current size and power is the direct result of our members being among the strongest people in Pennsylvania.
As we look at the heartbreaking results of the 2020 and 2022 elections, we can easily find reasons to quit the fight. We can simply put on our face masks, get our vaccines, send our kids off for public school indoctrination then just grab a seat and succumb to socialist oppression. But brave individuals stand and fight. Why? Because we love our country – a country born of rugged individualism and free-market capitalism, a combination that has given better lives and greater opportunity to more people than any other form of government in history and because it is a country worth fighting for.
So, the LVTP board has discussed our options for going forward and decided that first and foremost, “We Will Never Give Up”. The fact is, you don’t really lose the fight until you give up. We know that we can beat those who seek to take our freedom. We just need some time, a plan and determination.
With that, the board has set a direction for the next 2 years. Our goal is to make major strides by the November 2024 election. It is important to note that we understand clearly that election security is the number one priority in saving PA and our nation. In fact, almost two years ago, we started a new non-profit for just that purpose. That organization has now given way to a statewide coalition, of which we are a founding member.
As the coalition works the election issue, we have chosen to work on helping our members and associates become active in local government and politics. Why? Well, conservatives across the nation believe in small government. In fact, we want nothing to do with government. But that’s a problem. You see, our political opposition loves government and their children are trained at an early age to participate. The result is that they tend to fill the hundreds of elected seats in each and every county while we conservatives choose not to participate. Consequently, we suffer the reality of being “Governed by Our Political Opponents”.
The Lehigh Valley Tea Party has chosen to do all we can to reverse that scenario. Our plan is to utilize our committees to attract community members to our primary issues such as Election Security, 2nd Amendment rights, Medical Freedom, Free Speech, Parental Rights in Education, Right to Life, etc., and to then help those community members run for local office like Judge of Elections, Inspector of Elections, School Board, Municipal Council, Town Supervisor, County Council/Commissioner and even state lawmaker.
We would teach the big picture of how the system of government and politics works to all of those interested then counsel them on choosing a suitable path in the system. Ultimately, we would provide role-specific training and assist them in securing the seat they are trying for.
This is of course a massive effort. But empowering community members to take control of their own communities is the foundation for ultimate success. We especially want to recruit from the inner cities of Easton, Bethlehem and Allentown. These cities are ‘owned’ by progressive socialists whose policies result in high crime, high inflation, high taxes and poor education. To make a difference we must attend inner city social events wherever possible and begin the “Recruit, Counsel & Train” process. Conservatives must fill our share of elected seats and eventually take control of key power-seats.
In order for us to accomplish this rather aggressive goal and bring our vision into reality we need our current members and associates to step up and fill a role. This will take a great deal of manpower to implement, but the payoff is potentially huge. If you are willing to play a part in this plan, even for just a couple of hours a month, please go to and just let us know that you want to help with our Focus ’24 project.
Please know that we can only implement our plans if enough people step up now.
If not us, who? If not now, when? — (Hillel the Elder)
A PDF of this document is available here….