- Join or Renew LVTP Membership – Paid Members having voting privileges and expedited entry to meetings and events.
- NOTCE (2025) Members Cards and ID’s kindly pick up at this meeting.
- INTERESTED IN ELECTION INTEGRITY RUN FOR Judge of Elections or Inspector of Elections – (come to meeting for more information but check this out: https://lvtp.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Election-Day-Poll-Worker-Role-Descriptions.pdf
- Polling Place Information
- PETITION SIGNING if you cannot attend March 6th LVTP meeting kindly (please contact by Saturday, March 15th):
- Northampton County Republican Committee located at 2523 Willow Park Road
Bethlehem, PA 18020 – (610) 438-3319 – www.northamptoncountygop.com - Lehigh County Republican Committee located 3055 College Heights Blvd 2nd FL, Allentown, PA 18104 – (610) 435-3322 – httpps//lehighgop.com
- Northampton County Republican Committee located at 2523 Willow Park Road
- Coffee Sponsor – www.paolinicaststone.com – ask about cement Trump statues
- Attend Friends of NRA Banquet on Tuesday, April 22nd – CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS